Currently all training is conducted at the Pala Shooting Range.


Advanced Pistol Getting Faster

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This course is specifically focused on improving your practical pistol speed and reducing your times. Ultimately, this really means improving the efficiency of your manipulation. Efficiency and consistency are what will reduce your split times. Find and push the limits of your pistol shooting speed and improve your capability to hit quickly. After a quick review of the fundamentals and a skills check, we spend the day reviewing key aspects of manipulation, gear, and equipment set up and making slight modifications to improve your technique. That which gets measured gets improved. Speed is not genetics or inborn ability – it’s simply doing some things differently. This is where you can find out if that difference is right for you! Access to our professionally programmed practice drills is included with the course, and will be available online in our E-Learning Portal upon completion. We look forward to seeing you on the range!