Aegis Academy has built it’s reputation on providing the general public access to the U. S. Government’s elite military, law enforcement, and intelligence community instructors to mentor them in mastering professional level skills. That is the level of experience that our clients are paying for and expect. Please review the Our Team section of the website prior to applying to see if your background and experience are a fit.
We exclusively hire veterans with a minimum of 10 years Military Special Operations Forces Units (Army SF, Marine Recon/MSOB, Navy SEAL or Air Force CC / PJ), Elite Law Enforcement units (FBI HRT, Full time SWAT), and uniquely qualified individuals (Typically DOE, CIA, FBI, Foreign equivalents, and championship level relevant skill sets). Assignments in support of, or service at the command of the above these types of units is generally not sufficient. If you meet these minimum qualifications, please write a brief description of your experience in the career summary box, including relevant unit assignment, highest promotion obtained, and years of service or relevant experience. Write your biography in the section below as it would appear in the Our Team Section of the website. We respond to all qualified applicants with in 7 days.
All careers at Aegis Academy start with completion of the instructor development program and part time employment.
Career Openings at Aegis Academy:
Part Time – San Diego based firearms & tactics instructor