Welcome to Aegis Academy’s Tactical Pistol Training day one! Pistol One sets the stage to help you utilize proven conditioning principles which will allow you to establish functional and effective habits. Those are the habits that will enable you to achieve any level of proficiency you choose. You won’t master the skills we teach in eight hours, but we make it easy for you to follow through on your practice with our professionally programmed follow on training drills. We want to ensure you master the skills you are paying to learn!
Training Fundamentals
Conditioning Principles
Safe Range Procedures
Loading & Unloading
Trigger Control
Disassembly, Cleaning & Maintenance
Access to the Graduate Practice Library
We start the day with the fundamental aspects of conditioning and learning principles and explain how that tie that information to the development of sound shooting habits. You’ll understand how and why every drill we shoot works to ingrain the effective habits we want to create. Our world-class mentors will spend the day ensuring you leave with a solid understanding of what you need to do as an individual to improve the skills you are working on. The day ends with an optional maintenance class which will ensure you can disassemble, maintain and properly assemble your pistol. Access to our professionally programmed practice drills is included with the course, and will be available online in our E-Learning Portal upon completion. This is the art and science of learning to shoot effectively and we look forward to seeing you on the range!